269 / 12
22nd Apr 2019
29th Apr 2019
worked hard on the screen for organism. it shows the status of it and problems in different organs. im not good at electronics so it might have small errors. hopefully it gives better insight into how the creature works.
organism thick organic body living burnerorganism realistic power dummy human


  • akang
    30th Apr 2019
    @SuperJoshiDuff, got it, and NO it's off of fp! Yes ik there is a limit for how long the saves can be on fp but it's sad to see this one go off, this save will always be remembered
  • SuperJoshiDuff
    29th Apr 2019
    akang: The water mouth drinker thingy tranfers the water into a little container, which transfers the water to the boiler for purifiying. The container just acts as a filter.
  • akang
    29th Apr 2019
    And btw, where does the orifice transfer the water to? I can see there is stor but what part of the system does the water that entered the orifice go into?
  • akang
    29th Apr 2019
    @SuperJoshiDuff, understandable, it would be an intriguing concept for an organism to be able to eat food.
  • SuperJoshiDuff
    29th Apr 2019
    akang: There is technically no mouth, as water comes in via the little orifice in the middle-right, and the co2 comes in through the top-left. Both the co2 and water are treated by the organs. As long as it has both of these things it really doesn't need to be fed as it will take care of these things itself. The need lights are a little false, too. If they flash on and off that means it doesn't really need anything, but if they stay on it actually needs it.
  • akang
    29th Apr 2019
    @SuperJoshiDuff, I was just wondering, but where is the mouth? Whenever I wanted to feed it something I would just put it in the pipes/organs.
  • PowderAmateur
    29th Apr 2019
    Still +1
  • PowderAmateur
    29th Apr 2019
    only dies when no more gel :p
  • Muskadillo
    28th Apr 2019
    dont feed it acid
  • Russian_warmachine
    28th Apr 2019
    CAUS was better