12th Mar 2019
20th Nov 2019
The console command stops the polonium from melting. You can use the sign element to select it, then copy and enter it into the console. The turbine require heat and pressure to work. Click water coolant to fill up water and click neutron beam to start
It's really fun to watch the temp and manage the control rods; taking into account the time needed for the POLO to reach 'saturation' of neutrons, thermal inertia, and also fuel burnup(gray POLO). I find keeping about 1/4 of the POLO 'critical' at a time, slowly moving up the reactor until it's all gray. Then refule and do it again! The refuling mechanism is amazing by the way. I'm going to power my house with this it's so good.
So, I changed the DEUT to HEAC for better performance(and for fun), and also removed the turbine valve so steam could go both ways. After doing that I can maintain it at 1200C fairly easily. 1200 seems good, a good buffer from Iron's melting point, and also the Gold (which is a bit lower due to the water being right there).
Wow, propably one of the best reactor I've seen here. But I found one problem: when reactor is almost at critical temperature one iron pixel in control rods can melt, flow somewhere and make problems during refueling reactor.
Instant respect +1
While the controls are easy enough to manage, auto control would be a cherry on top lol
This is great , make warning signals (dangerosuse heat : core , steam , turbine and more ) and will be perfect
So much detail, and it works great. +4