67 / 5
17th Sep 2018
17th Sep 2018
does what it says on the tin, so long as the tin says "shoots lasers through frme"
exploit laser woahdude llwhyjust llnotmake llllaserveryfast bestdescription


  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Sep 2018
    @nosomebodies, I concur. The game basically focusses on PHOT passing through BMTL and not counting the fact that other particles are in front of it...
  • Im_ygy
    19th Sep 2018
    Well it seems that you are right.A chance of Perfect 1/2
  • Im_ygy
    19th Sep 2018
    What will happen if i change HETR to PHOT?This SHOULD effect the result.(HETR is the common testing name)
  • Im_ygy
    19th Sep 2018
    I'm trying to add a new element called HETR in the game with the same code as BMRT but it reflects.It seems that there're something special about PHOT or the main code.
  • nosomebodies
    19th Sep 2018
    Im_ygy, the code for phot-bmtl is in the beginning of the try_move function I think. This is certainly not affected by hardness. I think this isa bug in the interaction's code right there, I am not sure if does it check whether is the phot moving into bmtl or not.
  • Im_ygy
    19th Sep 2018
    I'm testing if particle's hardness effect the result.
  • Im_ygy
    19th Sep 2018
    But the code tells us nothing about it.BMTL'sand PHOT's code doesn't mention anything about each other.The main cause MAY BE the pressure(guess)cause the HighPressureTransithon of bmtl is ST which is ctype setting of lava but iron is just NT.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Sep 2018
    BMTL is the only thing which allows it to pass through other stuff... BMTL resets PHOT vx and vy values as PHOT passes through and leaves BMTL particles...
  • PortalPlayer
    19th Sep 2018
    What if the tin says "fires a laser through a barrier of frame"?
  • Plasmey_401k
    18th Sep 2018
    Pretty nifty!