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23rd Jul 2018
17th Aug 2018
I found a completely new way to filter water that may also be a glitch! I made a simple machine to showcase the process. Please vote and tell me what you think in comments!
glitch singularity heat gravity salt machine electronic distiller water purifyer


  • biran4454
    16th Aug 2018
    biran4454: Actually no. I have run a find script in the Jacob1 mod and there is no leak.
  • biran4454
    16th Aug 2018
    Try looking at it in the velocity display (press 1).
  • biran4454
    16th Aug 2018
    Is there some sort of leak in the diamond? I have run experiments in my flask ( save:2315946 ) and the SALT is perfectly fine, until I put just one drop of SING in the SALT area, and the SING destroys it in about a second.
  • biran4454
    16th Aug 2018
  • Tetratrary
    14th Aug 2018
    I didn't downvote the save.
  • Xenarchus89
    25th Jul 2018
    Also, thanks so much for downvoting this for no reason. I TOTALLY needed that. >:(
  • Xenarchus89
    25th Jul 2018
    @Tetratrary but where does the salt go? That's the question. Also, the machine is a bit broken right now and I am giing to update it soon, so that may be why the spark is interfering.
  • Tetratrary
    24th Jul 2018
    No, SING in large quantities gets hot, around 400C, and the temperature decreases as the SING disappears. The SLTW gets heated above boiling point, causing it to be filtered. Not only that, but when you spark to pour SLTW, the spark travels to the SLTW, causing it to evaporate. So something IS causing the water to be purified, but not what you think.
  • Xenarchus89
    23rd Jul 2018
    I will probably update this in the future and add a mechanism to keep it going automatically, rather than manually. XD