I mean, the art is not bad, there is no reason why it should not stay in fp for a bit more
btw if you haven't realised the names of the deco nad non deco arts are similar,The non deco's name is Rin Kagamine and the first name of the decos are Rin, from Naruto, and Kagami,from lucky star, this also explains the reason why there is a '+ne' after Kagami. Rin Kagami +ne.
lol no one recogizes kagami
@CADYNSE i want to see you do better. honest.
@Electro40 thank you , i guess XD
@TheScienceKid,Gerogeri,Glubfun,stevenspell,ALEXander113344,Mercy,UWindustriess,wotax,Timothysparrow: Thank you