36 / 10
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • TPTbomb
    9th May 2019
    The main problem im having is that subframe devices refuse to work after theyve been saved to the server, don't know whats up with that if it's the particle order or what
  • TPTbomb
    9th May 2019
    I'm really running out of ideas though the infinite subframe EMP makes it impossible for anything PSCN-related to survive more than a frame most of the time and i dont want to end up making a lame clone of the device nosomebodies came up with...
  • TPTbomb
    9th May 2019
    ok sounds cool
  • imkira3
    9th May 2019
    I might even change the name of the entire section lol. "Noteable Devices" is a suitable name, but "Honorable Mentions" has a nice ring to it.
  • imkira3
    9th May 2019
    Well TPTBomb, this is a tough call. On one hand, it does sometimes defeat my wall, but on the other it not only fails most of the time, it can produce an infinite reaction. I would consider it, but if it can't self destruct properly then I guess it doesn't qualify. Sorry man. Clever idea though! Scattering so much PSCN it buys you a few frames lmao very very clever, deserves an honorable mention at the very least. I'll add it to the "Noteable Devices" list tomorrow with nosomebodies new wall.
  • TPTbomb
    9th May 2019
    ok i fixed it i hope ot works now (same ID)
  • TPTbomb
    9th May 2019
    and apparently it does not want to function after being saved, ignore the last one
  • TPTbomb
    9th May 2019
    this kind of hovers on the line of beaten or honorable mention, it takes a few tries but: 2419553
  • imkira3
    8th May 2019
    Yeah I know, but without reducing the effects of the anti-gravity I haven't found a way to reduce the lag. A good device can wipe it out in a few frames however, so it's not a big deal.
  • XGEM_Gaming
    8th May 2019
    have* unless I use the eraser, XD.