36 / 10
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • imkira3
    14th May 2019
    Since I removed the repulsion section from the center of the regen wall I was able to space out the regen points like I originally planned.
  • TPTbomb
    12th May 2019
    takes a while to get through but it works: 2420696
  • TPTbomb
    11th May 2019
    i mean flip it so it faces downwards the only way i could get the subframe part to function was saving it pointing upwards
  • TPTbomb
    11th May 2019
    nosomebodies: thanks for telling me about the subframe suspension i will see if i can figure out how to use it
  • TPTbomb
    11th May 2019
    it doesnt completely defeat the wall but its the best subframe thing i can come up with right now that actually works: 2420262 | you will have to flip it downwards before pasting
  • TPTbomb
    11th May 2019
    nosomebodies: i tried everything that it said to do in mark2222's subframe tutorials but nothing works, i just tried testing saving a device to the server and its totally broken, i even tried saving it locally first and it worked in the local save but it still doesnt on the server
  • imkira3
    10th May 2019
    :o I did not realize that was possible without individual stamps
  • nosomebodies
    10th May 2019
    TPTBomb: if you are capable of subframe, you might be able to manipulate the particle order (but it's rather limited) (I recommend mark2222's Subframe Suspension as the first example I can think of. The Subframe Handbook also contains examples)
  • imkira3
    9th May 2019
    You know even if you straight up give up on beating my wall, my goal was achieved at least. Did you ever wonder about the point of these war games? Well, war-time is the pinnacle of tech development ;) by working on this project, and in turn you guys working to defeat my project, we all learn something from each other, that is the main point of the hall of fame.
  • imkira3
    9th May 2019
    Ah yes I see, well maybe this will help. The particles activate in the order they were spawned. Once you save your device and re-spawn it, this spawns your device in a specific order. I think it goes left to right, top to botton, but I'm not too sure, I don't use sub-frame tech much. I think I'm out of ideas too, I can't imagine I'll ever find a way to beat nosomebodies device lol it seems near impossible.