36 / 10
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • nosomebodies
    19th May 2019
    I was now able to fix a, uh, design mistake in the a-bunch-of-emp-deleter and improve a-bunch-of-amtr-creator (now it should be possible to improve even more) so that it destroys a DMND version of the least sane save, id:2423135
  • nosomebodies
    16th May 2019
    I couldn't figure out a way to uncover a spark from under CRAY _and hide it back_ so far. However, I created another destruction device that is capable of destroying my "the least sane save" fairly quickly. It uses AMTR instead of SING and attempts to use DRAY; id:2421989
  • imkira3
    15th May 2019
    When I use BHOL in the regen wall, it gives the wall the power to delete on touch, which ofc is useful, but it also pulls the attacking element away from the contact point, to an area where the BHOL is thicker and the suction stronger. There is no point adding ray resistance to a wall that will just regenerate anyway, only to the contact points. If I can somehow add resistance to the contact points that would be a dream come true.
  • imkira3
    15th May 2019
    Yeah I know, some people just like to complain lol. I get almost 4fps on my old HP Compaq, and it's running a cheap dual core with about 3 GHZ, though it does have 8 gigs of DDR2 RAM. (I set this one up for botting longterm) As for using FILT and CRAY, there is really no point. I tried it in the early versions, but it seems to be much tougher with BHOL,
  • nosomebodies
    15th May 2019
    imkira3: by the way, does this perform better if you use FILT or CRAY instead of BHOL? I think CRAY might be better than BHOL.
  • nosomebodies
    15th May 2019
    Are you sure one needs a good computer? I have a low-end-ish FX-4350 from 2012 that is terrible-ish at floating point (and TPT uses lots of it) and certainly have above zero FPS; I believe NoVIcE is exaggerating.
  • imkira3
    15th May 2019
    You do need a good computer lol. Nosombodies device can do it in a few seconds though, lag doesn't matter if you have a good device.
  • NoVIcE
    15th May 2019
    Technically it defenes, cause it sets my fps to 0 so i cant hope to even put a bomb there lol.
  • imkira3
    15th May 2019
    Yeah I think having some of them close to the edge provided an extra degree of protection, but the spacing is important. I'll space them out better later. I might have to revert some of the regen points back to the original design too, with a few alterations. The new regen points do perform better, but they have absolute 0 resistance against rays unlike the old design which can be stacked. However the EMP kills the old method, so I dunno lol I'll have to figure out something new I think.
  • TPTbomb
    15th May 2019
    its actually weaker by placing the regen points there i just tested a thing and it kills almost all of them now