36 / 10
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • imkira3
    12th Jul 2018
    Well it seems there were some updates since I last stacked elements. The stacking system used to be very different, now all elements are stackable up to 5 particles and my old copy paste method of stacking no longer works. Bummer.
  • imkira3
    12th Jul 2018
    Well I know you can stack certain elements, but I don't think you can stack CONV, can you? And can you stack CLNE as well? You see, the CLNE creates CONV, and the CONV creates CLNE, the proportions need to be evenly dispersed to produce the mild regeneration effect that section has. However, it's nothing compared to the BHOL section ofc. I'll try it though, thanks for the idea. Note that some elements are unstackable however.
  • VIBR
    12th Jul 2018
    Uhhh, why don't you use element stacking to stack multiple layers of Conv on top of eachother? I'l upload my own version of this at somepoint with my fluxed VIBR layer stacking to show you what i mean if you're not aware
  • imkira3
    12th Jul 2018
    The point of this wall is evolution of warfare. Any device that can win against this wall in this hostile environment should be able to survive and destroy anything short of DMND in any given situation. A stronger defensive always leads to a stronger offensive. So if you disapprove of my using certain elements, suck it up. They exist in the game for a reason.