36 / 10
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • imkira3
    19th Jul 2018
    If I do that I will have to call it something else and give them at least 1 frame to respond. Maybe I could call it the offensive wall. The ultimate challenge lol. I can think of a few ways to beat a device like that in a single frame. Like using CRAY to delete a section in my wall, and more CRAY to build a device inside that gap for an attack from the inside approach, beyond the reach of the ray.
  • imkira3
    19th Jul 2018
    You can control the temperature, life and type of a beam spawned by CRAY. With that in mind, I would change it to LIFE with 0 life. Lol like the text in my wall. That way it would delete metals too.
  • nosomebodies
    19th Jul 2018
    As far as I observed, CRAY<SPRK> with tmp of 0 when sparked deletes exactly 0 particles in front of it, and that doesn't help a lot (maybe I'm wrong) . About EMP:I believe some extra stacked selective CONV can make it work.
  • archived_account
    18th Jul 2018
    nosomebodies: tmp sets maximum distance, its not requed. it will be impossible, because of emps (as all know, subframe isn't frieds with emp
  • imkira3
    18th Jul 2018
    Yeah I know, and I didn't because your right lol. Then it would be more of an eraser then a wall. I used destructive elements instead, making it harder but not impossible.
  • nosomebodies
    18th Jul 2018
    I think you can make the wall totally really indestructible by making it destroy things with CRAY<SPRK>,tmp=9999 sparked by PSCN every frame, but that would be totally unfair and destructive.
  • imkira3
    17th Jul 2018
    It appeared that it worked when your device activates second because the BHOL would be erased within the same frame, but it was still regenerated.
  • imkira3
    17th Jul 2018
    Hey DayTimer, something was brought to my attention. It never really made sense to me that your device stops the BHOL wall from regenerating, so I did some investigating. Your device doesn't really keep the area clear for 50 frames. It's about order of activation of particles, like subframe. For example, place your device, and then place a stamp of my wall. You will still see the BHOL regenerate since the wall will activate second.
  • imkira3
    17th Jul 2018
    And btw the email is generally for reaching me if I were to stop playing TPT for awhile, I would see your email and update the Hall of Fame anyways, so it's not necessary to email if I see the message.
  • imkira3
    17th Jul 2018
    Wow, very impressive! I can't really think of any situation that could defeat a device like that, not to mention it looks really cool and cleans itself up afterwards. Probably my favourite device of destruction so far, I will add it to the Hall of Fame. +1 :) But could you please remove my wall from your stamp first? Reason being I will continue updating this wall and that version will be out of date soon.