278 / 55
20th Jun 2018
22nd Jun 2018
Like it or don't, I don't care, I like it and that's what counts. >_> Blah blah blah muh art on tpt so angry why not a dumb city blah blah blah tpt not for art blah blah.
girl character arts wolf frau fraumeanswoman kemonofriends static destroyable frauingerman


  • JOELwindows7
    25th Jun 2018
    Wow, Extremely Duper Awesome!!!
  • NF
    25th Jun 2018
    Ok I already said that *facepalms* asks for lostfox to replace batteries. Anyways, I don't even mind furries this is just a work of art. Also the people who hate art on TPT, fail to realize that everything in TPT is art lol.
  • NF
    25th Jun 2018
    Good job!
  • lostfox
    25th Jun 2018
    you did very good and hight detail on it. its very nice. kinda sade how people will dislike something because theyhate/dislike something but don't think of the time and work and quality of something
  • RCAProduction
    25th Jun 2018
    lostfox, because people are stup!d. Also, mildly related, never understood the hate for real furries anyways. It's like 90% just a stale meme.
  • lostfox
    25th Jun 2018
    don't know why people are calling it furry .-.
  • Epiclark
    25th Jun 2018
    urr just jelus hehehehe i can't argue your point because i'm a retarded kid hehehehe
  • DustinVille
    24th Jun 2018
    nicely done +1, ignore the haters this is well done,
  • jm211
    24th Jun 2018
    Also, +1, while sure it may not make sense to put art on a physics sim, I think that makes it even more commendable, and people who say no art on fp, you didnt put it here, people who thought your save was awesome did, so they should stop hating and take notes.
  • jm211
    24th Jun 2018
    Benman27 there is no need to be jelous. Maybe try making more saves to cancel out this percieved "Invasion" after all, do you just have a troll account? no bio info, few saves, not great votes, But one furry save is too much for you to handle?