In Russia, people are so poor to buy new cars. So we use old soviet and post-soviet russian cars and repair them, because they always break down. Mechanics use different tricks because of deficit of car parts to make car working.
This argument about who's the bad guy and who's government is evil and why this and that is wrong, can we just say that this is a nicely done save?
godno ya sam iz russia _)) na ruskom pishy tolko tak
jacob1: it's russian architecture, don't do that >:(
Welcome back man, i love the Little Russia series.
@Shuc_Shule Not just that, America have also bombed Serbia. It was because we choiced a president they didn't wanted. How is that a problem for America? It's Serbia's president, not theirs. Now much more people are dying from cancer because of Uranium around Serbia and Kosovo.
MajesticPhysics, America has freedom, I'm not saying all people are bad there are a lot of good people there, but the problem is what the goverments (America and the UK) do to other countries, example the Balkans, they just stir up muck between people for their own profit.
That's realistic. Especially word hui
Vy blya ne znayete russkiy
The Political Toy
It wasn't my fault there's an argument by the way, someone started it a bit back.