11 / 13
2nd Apr 2018
12th Apr 2018
Every user starts as a dot! Try to conquer the world. Users are assigned random locations. War can be declared after border disputes. Users who do not declare war and fight will be kicked. Also you can make allies. Credit goes to Coffee.
nationwide game


  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    2,500 BC: The kingdom begins to use its 'advanced' navy to create colonies along the coast of Scandinavia, the British Isles, and France.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    for reference my kingdom now looks like id:2268287
  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    3,500 BC: The Rus Kingdom is established. They now control southern Finland, and the lands directly east of Finland, stretching up to the Northern Coast. The kingdom begans to expand inland, away from the coasts, and plants some settlements there. Conscription is increased, with the army now having ~20k soldiers, and a new navy consisting of ~500 sailors, with triremes
  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    5,000 BC: Bronze is discovered. Bronze spears, bow tips, etc. are created. Glorious Slavic army (now 5k soldiers) is sent to attack small native tribes in Finland. This results in the occupation of the southern coast of Finland. Many settlements, numbering about 40,000 villagers on average, are planted there.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    10,000 BC: The Slavs eventually reach the northern coast of Russia. Small settlements are planted along the newly gained territories.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    10,500 BC: The Slavs expand their territory to a 5px radius around Cykatown.
  • NF
    3rd Apr 2018
    Native Americans kill off the Mastadon in a part of Wisconsin.
  • QuanTech
    3rd Apr 2018
    10,995 BC: The chief of Cykatown orders the creation of a small standing army (1k soldiers). The soldiers are equipped with new, sharper wooden spears, as well as bows. The villagers also begin experimenting with water travel. They've invented basic rafts
  • NF
    3rd Apr 2018
    I send scouts up into Modern day Michigan,Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
  • NF
    3rd Apr 2018
    Trade will have to be accepted by Calm. Since you cancelled, Trade is off the table for now.