This is for use in making colorful things without using deco. Solid TRON is not as permanent as other elements, but is good enough for most purposes. Get the All-seeing Eye Sampler script if you want to do a lot of TRON drawing!
I really should. I did FILT research recently, so I have a lot of info to work with. Organized data is a huge blessing, and I enjoy doing it. Almost done with TRONology for now :)
Can you make a guide for FILT colors? there are saves about filt but they do not give as much as there is and I often need it for cray especialy for gray filt... +1 btw
It's not just for "Art" - haven't you ever wanted a bit of color somewhere without using deco? Or a non-reactive barrier that was also a cooler?
great, i dont do art but i am deeply impressed
Yes indeed. Since it's also heat- and pressure-proof and doesn't react, this could be really useful! +1
thanks for the information +1