A basic vibranium shield. It contains a cooling system that will prevent the vibranium from overheating. Now, the shield can take ALMOST everything but it has 3 weaknesses in form of ANAR, SING and EXOT. Give credit if you want to use it in your saves!
If you for example use a nuclear weapon against the shield with enough power energy in form of heat and pressure will travel trough the shield and will destroy non-vibranium elements and melt or vaporise them. Yes, the CLNE will be intact but everything else exept for the vibranium (assumed that you don't use vibranium or EXOT bomb) will be destroyed.
CLNE is pretty much indestructible, that's why there's BCLN. I can make a shield out of solid diamond.
Why are everybody raging over me using CLNE? I don't see a single problem here. If you use SING it's fully destructible.
If your allowing yourself to use clne then you could just make a wall of clone.
I made a CFLM version: id:2232833
kobalt i don't mean to be a copycat, i didn't actually know that.
dude me and kerponaut used this long before you created this here today
Compressed Thunder-Singularity bomb ate the shield for a late-night snack
Third weakness: id:2232835
try !set ctype clne cflm and you will see it works like with NICE