the people of this earth woke up to a shockwave and then an all consuming purple fog rended to fabrics of reality apart around them, this nationwide has ended.
Avi_: the subsidiesed settling program is successful at first, however people who had to pay for it are not happy and a few members of the illuminati like organisation of aristocrats that control the country have resigned powdergamer57: you expand further into japan and make boats, settlers head for korea unguarded
I expand more in japan and make boats for colonies in Korea
The Ostafrikan government starts stealing money from people and then gives it to people to make them expand the country's borders
RGB 84 171 254, Ancapistan, X150, Y140, glorious voluntary ancap association
added both of you
*Elective monarchy
Spawn:X:313,Y:134.Color:Dark purple.Name:Neo-Byzantine.Gov.:Elective Monarchic.State form:Confederation.Note:THIS IS SPARTA.
RGB 0 255 0, Ostafrika, X 337 Y 221, benevolent autocracy
Added to map
X:481,Y:141 Dark Cyan, Corvincia, Empire