the people of this earth woke up to a shockwave and then an all consuming purple fog rended to fabrics of reality apart around them, this nationwide has ended.
the police begin to fall inline to a leader who has gained a truelly absurd amount of titles, the aristocrats in Ostafrika are rapidly losing estates to blackmail and forged blackmail from the police and the autocrat.
The autocrat orders the Ostafrikaner pollice to collect dirt on the nobility, and use dirt to blackmail the nobility into giving up their titles and naming the autocrat as their heir
Ostafrika is now th only country with an army and police, its crime rate had been reduced by half, and people are happier, althought the police are quite new and some have altready become corrupt
Ostafrikan gubbernment builds large (enough) and glorious(ly adequate) police force to help police country
okay done, you now have one governemtn warehouse and a decently sized army with fairly neutral morale.
how big of an army?
Ostafrika build glorious army of the proletariate, and a warehouse of the proletariate
Ostafrika build glorious army of the prolet, and a warehouse of the prolet
as citizens expand ooout into the unclaimed wildern4ess they begin settling farms in every nation, the most farms being in Ostafrika, a group of 5 major food producers united together to form a corperate state known as Ancapistan, it claims no central government authority or ability to tax......
alos btw everyone mone of you have police forces or armies or any national services at all