the aristocratic Ostafrican colonisation effort has acceleratad quickly as colonies and cities are set up all along australia and oceania islands
as the new ingame year passes on(no i didnt plan that, a year is 4 turns(irl days) ancapistan moves its capital away from northrn grain lands to the south in Southern potato co. city, an evacuates all of its old capitals citizens to th new capital, resulting in a rush of almost 1 million people out into a warzone, this shock actualy caued the inxpirienced hired guards of northern grain werent prepared fr a population who expected to face soldiers and have armed themselves for doing so
Happy new year!!! not playing a move tonight because excessive acohol leads to poor decision making, but i hope everyone had as good a new year as i did!
I send colonizers to SouthEast asia and build up my military more
DmitSquid: k, sentinal-5: done, Avi_: it isnt gloriuos enough tto blockade Aristocartic Ostafrika
I expand west and build a glorious navy, and if it is glorious enough I use it to blockade the rebel scum
I order the formation of a well sized police force, and construct a powerplant.
Ireland may be frozen tundra, but IRL ireland has profitable coal, lead, and zinc mining insustry which i was hoping to capitalise on ingame. Anyway. i'd like to continue my advance southward through spain, and construct two fortresses on the strait of gibraltar, one at the western pinch, and one at the eastern mediteranian opening.
I'll build some factories,mines and sort of ships,colonise Balkans+Italy,make a police and do everything to grow my economy