I would also like to begin mining copper, coal, oil, and iron in spain, along with the construction of a powerstation near gibraltar, as well as beginning research into offshore oil drilling, and long-range ships, to replace my simple rafts, which really shouldn't be capable of going any farther than St.Petersburg (and only made it that far because they stopped in Copenhagen for a week to drop off the military troupe)
Simultaneously, i would also like to send a civilian colonisation expedition out of london through the baltic sea to land in St.Petersburg near the freshwater in Lake Ladoga, bringing with them a small military troupe to construct and man a fortress in Copenhagen.
I'd like to settle the mediterranian coast right up to the border with the neo-byzantines, sailing out to mallorca and constructing a sea-fort there. I would also like to propose a causal alliance with the neo-byzantines, offering free naval passage through the strait of Gibraltar in exchange for my own passage through the Suez canal.
I continue to send colonists South into Brazil along the coast, building cities when possible.
can my country be ruled by king-me- or do I have to have a democracy
Red (start in Tanzania) Name:Afila
I will fully research ships & farming,mass expand to the east,build first army camps and start mass building cities
Aristocratic Ostarika after the explosive growth of its colonies now has went from full economic depressio to a booming economy in only a few months, it has become overloaded with corruption and the police force has had almost all of its money stolen and crime is uncontrolled, they decide to take what they can gatjer and attack Autocratic Ostafrika
a high ranking general placed 9in charge of a province in north western africa has declared independance and become the president of the Republic of Westafrika for the next 5 years