the people of this earth woke up to a shockwave and then an all consuming purple fog rended to fabrics of reality apart around them, this nationwide has ended.
powder, dimt and panda corruptiob is a real problem in your countries
sentinal-5: can you please do me a favour and just plot these things you want on the map and i will add them? i dont like to make my players do the work but i have time constraints
sentinal-5: please, for the love of vodka, use coordinates.
Mallorca is the island at x285 y132, Copenhagen should be at x297 y101 but it's not marked on the map, so x295 y99 will do instead for the fortress in the north. And St.Petersburg is at x327 y93.
sentinal-5: wtf is a mallorca
asthepanda3: where do you build the cities
DaPowdaBoy: xolur, name, coordinates, government type
DmitSquid: where do you build the army camps and cities
I also continue expansion through Siam
The emperor recruits more men into the army by creating a conscrption law that men must enter military training by the age of 18 and serve in the military for at least 5 years. He also orders that 5 mines, 5 factories, an army base in Korea and Siam and a fortress in Japan