the people of this earth woke up to a shockwave and then an all consuming purple fog rended to fabrics of reality apart around them, this nationwide has ended.
I order the construction of a task force meant to expose corrupt share holders. I also increase the amount of armed civilian force (police) by 75%. Can I build a powerplant in my capital state?
aristocratic ostafrika has broken apart due to corruption nd a failed economic system, and has been consumed by rebellions and coup attempts.
DaPowdaBoy: name, colour, coordinates, and government type
DmitSquid: guns already exist
Brilliant! then i'd like to send a colony to India and place a fortress at x405 y184
x342 y207
I said it 2 times
And building 2 warehouses (random place)
Yes.I'll research guns and build the army and fleet.+ expanding to the east
Northern grain Company finally dseiges down Confederations city, burning it to the ground.