the people of this earth woke up to a shockwave and then an all consuming purple fog rended to fabrics of reality apart around them, this nationwide has ended.
I'll increase army morale,research dreadnoughts and mass expand to east
I would like to request the following changes to my territory. ID:2231336 it would be kinda complicated to explain so i thought drawing it for you would be easier. feel free to make any changes you like and remove anything you think is too ambitious.
DaPowdaBoy: that space of occupied by another player, there arent many unclaimed spots left, perhaps join as an npc nation?
see, that was all you needed to list an it took yout 3 days
white,Afila,x:342 y:207 absolute monarchy
government type:absolute monarchy
Afila,white,x:342 y:207
Anastasia_616: panda
I declare war on aristocratic ostafrica and build 100 more gunboats and send an invasion force to take their holdings in Indonesia
asthepanda3: yes