11 / 3
28th Dec 2017
3rd Feb 2018
the people of this earth woke up to a shockwave and then an all consuming purple fog rended to fabrics of reality apart around them, this nationwide has ended.
nation wide nationwide


  • sentinal-5
    7th Jan 2018
    i'd also like to set up a colony in the nose of greenland for possible future trading with the american corporations, as well as begining to strengthen my navy, staffing it an simultaneously helping to rehabilitate my criminal population by starting a conscription programme where any criminal held in prison who has not been convicted of violent offences is trained in the military and given a military education to help them reintegrate with society once their tour of duty concludes.
  • sentinal-5
    7th Jan 2018
    I would like to take the very eastern and southernmost portions of westafrika under my wing to help them survive. i build modern production and farming equipment to help distribute more resources to the citizens of westafrika and construct fortresses to protect them from invasion by the failing and desperate dictatorship they share a border with. I treat their people as my own and grant them the social liberties a scriven citizen holds. ID:2231336
  • Anastasia_616
    7th Jan 2018
    the Ancapistan confederation officially dissolves into 3 city states, Aristocratic ostafrika crumbles to revolutionaries, Northern grain Company seizes most of north america, Corpa begins to stagnate, westafrika is become fependandt on Skriven and neo byzantines for complex industril tasks and is facing shortages of raw materials as merchants have sold them all to neo byzantines or skriven merchants, Ostafrika begins to decentralise naturally, the powe of the autocrat is weakening with time.
  • sentinal-5
    6th Jan 2018
    hmm. okay what if i dramaticaly reduced the ammount of land i was asking for? ID:2231336 just some small bridges to connect my little islets, the same way i did for yours. and a small strip of land just so i can get access to the caspian sea.
  • DmitSquid
    6th Jan 2018
    sentinal-5,But I haven't any air- or spacecrafts (I meant about sea dreadnoughts).I can gib that lands for some money.
  • sentinal-5
    6th Jan 2018
    Oh, and here are the changes i'd made before you edited the map that didn't make it in. ID:2231336 i've overlaid them onto the map you drew and taken the liberty of unconditionally surrendering parts of my territory to connect the neo-byzantine islets that would have been created otherwise. if DmitSquid takes exception to any of these changes i'm more than happy to discuss borders in a civilised manner, and would suggest dividing the disputed territory 50/50
  • sentinal-5
    6th Jan 2018
    i'd also like to propose the construction of a fortress at x351 y180
  • sentinal-5
    6th Jan 2018
    i'd like to make an offer with DmitSquid to begin asking a small payment from other players who wish to send ships through the mediterranean sea, and also put forward that we both commit to a joint research programme into nuclear power.
  • sentinal-5
    6th Jan 2018
    holy shit that happened in ONE move? do the neo-byzantines have aircraft?
  • DmitSquid
    6th Jan 2018
    Also,i'll accept trade agreement with sentinal-5 and build a powerplant (random place)