Fox Creations: The co-op tpt building group (Tpt Multiplayer) Owned by _Toby_Fox_, this group/club is meant to bring members of tpt together to proceed to create the best saves, combining our skills. Tell us, What are you the best at?
@TheDuster That is ok, I have been inactive myself
@_Toby_Fox_ I'm creating a new build, i'll try to finish it soon as possible (Sorry for my inactivity :/ )
I meant to type to*
@zqasd I cannot think of anything for you tom do now, sorry. :(
@explosivepowder Nobody is there because nobody in the group is online, I am usally online but I wasnt then. if you are making soimething, building on that channel and I might meet you there.
Also, i just found out that my orbital cannon flattens terrain.
So... Any more requests?
At this point i think i mayaswell be transported to the electrition specialty, that is if they were any slots left. Im still working on building stuff but that takes a lot longer, and usually has a smaller payoff for the work put in
Issue regarding the 124 thing. I do /connect 124 and it says host not found, and every time i /connect then do /join 124 nobody is there e-e
Wellp i just made this, and it got fp... xD ID:2242036