Fox Creations: The co-op tpt building group (Tpt Multiplayer) Owned by _Toby_Fox_, this group/club is meant to bring members of tpt together to proceed to create the best saves, combining our skills. Tell us, What are you the best at?
SuperWolfie, when TPTMP downloaded do you see two left arrows upper than the "walls" tab? If yes, click it. A window should open, type "/connect" (without "s), then wait for people. You can chat in this window.
I can do stuff by requests. My main skills are weapons and electronics.
Sorry guys, i'm trying to be online, but i have family's problems, so probably i will join one day for week. (Bad grammar ik ._.)
fine can I join electrains?
I downloaded TPTMulti but it won't work ooo I tried!
And Please dont ask for staff. You will have to earn staff, I may promote you to staff (That goes for everyone, you all have a chance for Staff)
@SuperWolfie I wont accept that logo, Im sorry but we already have one so it is not needed, but thanks for the effort though.
@SuperWolfie I will add you but you cannot be in staff
Sorry everyone! I was not online for a long time. I will slowly be returning to this. Sorry!
superwolfie i dont think asking for staff gets you anywere