116 / 35
8th Nov 2017
8th Nov 2017
Just got a new computer and thought i'd make a save in honour of my old pal. He had 1.8 GHz Dual Core CPU and a 2GB RAM. He passed through many viruses but this summer's heat destroyed him. (I couldn't really do anything with him. He was shite. Bye).
restinpeace bsod bluescreenodeath noonecared computer electronics tragedy nohewassoyoung


  • armoryshop
    9th Nov 2017
    @Diablo7616 That statement is true if you're of opposite sex as me, otherwise, OH HELL NAW
  • Diablo7616
    9th Nov 2017
    I love you
  • armoryshop
    9th Nov 2017
    Mine was a HP and the current one too
  • Atari
    9th Nov 2017
    yah. intel and dell really ramped things up withing the last 5 years
  • armoryshop
    9th Nov 2017
    @Atari Wow, cutting edge technology right there.
  • Atari
    9th Nov 2017
    lol my laptop is like 10x as powerful as my desktop computer
  • armoryshop
    9th Nov 2017
    I really needed to change my PC, so i bought another one, first for performance issues and second, because of the fact that it got really hot over time and kept crashing showing the blue screen or just turning off on it's own. It just was a bit, you know, "obsolete". Besides, i still have it next to my current PC. I think my mom is going to use it for... i dunno, her stuff?
  • Elvisnator11
    9th Nov 2017
    ever tried turning it off and on? if it still not works, then try to shut down for 5 minutes if it is still not working, then try remove the screws then put the battery for 10 seconds away then put it back on. it should work. +1
  • basiliotornado
    9th Nov 2017
    ask if you want more info
  • basiliotornado
    9th Nov 2017
    i have 4gb ram 2.67 GHz dual core intel core i7 inside tm laptop