501 / 18
22nd Oct 2017
29th Apr 2022
Ivel236 and I made a printer to demonstrate MASS PHOTON STORAGE. There are extra roms in the save and here (ID: 2201571 ) Here is the script to make your own roms for the printer. Subphoton ROM Builder:
subframe density high memory printer photon phot storage compact amazingnewtech


  • motaywo
    23rd Oct 2017
    @ivel236: Can you think of any way to apply ctype wavelength to phot that's already stationary? After seeing this, I dug through my stamp folder and found a little subframe gem I made a while back that layers a new phot particle every frame. I have a way to read it, but no way so far to incorporate the data. Any ideas?
  • mad-cow
    23rd Oct 2017
    @12Me21 Thankyou! Hm I will admit p,q and other letters that hang downwards are a bit wonky, but it was a retro font. Reetrroo doood. Thanks for the input, it is appreciated.
  • 12Me21
    23rd Oct 2017
    Wow, this is amazing! That font you're using is pretty bad though.
  • mad-cow
    23rd Oct 2017
    @Draco712 Thankyou! that means alot coming from you :o Your work is sorcery too though +1. . . . @R33sesK1ng Thankkyou, I'm glad to have to have been a part of this with Ivel236, we worked real hard on putting it together . . . . @motaywo Why thankyou, Ah yes I remember the early days of subframe too. I also remember thinking it was witchcraft XD agreed, I can't wait to see what comes next either. I couldn't have learned how to do this without Ivel236 :^) Hope this will be used by others!
  • ivel236
    23rd Oct 2017
    Thanks for the enthusiasm everyone! This tech does have great potential as a standalone ROM, however it would be very difficult to turn this into any kind of writable memory/ram which limits its excitingness a fair ammount. I'm sure its possible though...
  • motaywo
    23rd Oct 2017
    Bravo. Bravo. BRAVO! This is the single most groundbreaking save I've ever seen since I started TPT. I can remember when subframe was first discovered, and pixel layering before that... those are not even close seconds compared to this. I can only imagine where this will go from here, but the possibilities you've opened up here are endless. Increadible work, and good luck with future builds. (+1)
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd Oct 2017
    The quite possible the most amazing electronic save I've ever seen in my entire life +99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999ERR -storage eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *crashes*
  • Draco712
    23rd Oct 2017
    Ivel236 and mad-cow: I'm really, very, definitely, absolutely, extremely amazed by this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious masterpiece of TPT sorcery. +math.inf!
  • Meowzzzerz1
    23rd Oct 2017
    i dont know what to say +1
  • mad-cow
    23rd Oct 2017
    Well we've crawled back onto fp once again, Thankyou ^^ In the extra rom save, we have the entire lua manual fit into just over 60k photons (of course, in 1px of space lol)