504 / 17
22nd Oct 2017
29th Apr 2022
Ivel236 and I made a printer to demonstrate MASS PHOTON STORAGE. There are extra roms in the save and here (ID: 2201571 ) Here is the script to make your own roms for the printer. Subphoton ROM Builder:
subframe density high memory printer photon phot storage compact amazingnewtech


  • ExplosivePowderGuy
    23rd Oct 2017
    190.867 GiB in the whole screen? That's amazing...
  • mad-cow
    23rd Oct 2017
    @MEOWS 1 photon can hold 29bits of data and 1bit as null. In this demo 1photon holds (4) 7bit numbers per photon. Since photons can stack indefinitely, you can have around 230,000 photons in a single pixel and still have some room to build something to read them. . . . . @aj22r hmm your save is gone. I haven't seen nor do I plan on seeing that movie lol, well I'm glad to see someone use the script though.
  • mad-cow
    23rd Oct 2017
    @SpiritusLuman777 oh that happens when a newline character is manually sent to the printer and the auto newline fires, for some reason the two of them conflic and a character is allowed to slip through and print. . . . . @romulusnr we put 4 characters per photon, by encoding their 7bit addresses into the phot. Its explained in the test rom: 10 0101010 1010110 0010101 0101111 with the 7 bit blocks each being 1 letter.
  • Angeleyes18
    23rd Oct 2017
    this NEEDS to be immortalised to the 2nd page
    23rd Oct 2017
    This is really amazing. How much data can 1 unit hold? +1 for awesomness.
  • QuanTech
    23rd Oct 2017
    absolutely insane. Sadly, I accidentally hit the downvote button. so sorry :(
  • motaywo
    23rd Oct 2017
    @ivel236: I replied to your pm - have a look at this! id:2202094
  • Locutus_Of_Borg
    23rd Oct 2017
    wow, someone made the emojii movie script
  • aj22r
    23rd Oct 2017
    @ivel236 Hi, could you please check your PMs
  • ivel236
    23rd Oct 2017
    @6595659: Definitely possible, but this is pretty much the limit of filt/phot ctypes. @Draco712: This rom tech could be integrated into many things, we decided do make a printer for simplicty sake as me and madcow arnt exactly subframe experts yet XD