Tiny little celluar organism that feeds off glow. Has accidents sometimes, and is not very durable but it is more about functionaility. Use as you'd like.
i mean, if you want to use some of my stuff to make a better one, then i guess you could evolve it heyman
is it possible to evolve it?
:-) :-)
okay. But I think coating the inner cell with BCLN will be a LOT better.....
and thanks Arkanine , sandbox, and lag
also optimus, i'll probably revisit the regen, but that's the best i can do with it for now
also cells don't have "butts" but they do have ways to get rid of waste inside the cell such as exocytosis. But that'd be had to simulate
"if it was a replica of a cell" i mean
it's not supposed the be fully accurate GrimEagle, it's just based off of a cell. If it was based of a actual cell, it'd be alot bigger, and i might not even be able to finish it with what tpt is capable of.
this is a good save, but it's not at all accurate to the actual build of a cell.