I Just Realized My Color Palette Looks Like The USSR lol. You Know, Because Of The Red & Yellow? So I Made This. It's Not Fully Done Yet Though.
it was originally for the Eggman Empire, but now it's just a simple way of communicating slightly faster than TPT and of coordinating private saves without ANY chance of them leaking out. and also a great way of sharing spicy memes!
i mean, like, what do you talk about there?
what's it about?
hey herp, would you like to join my discord?
Well folks, at least we now know how to get front page without really trying! Communism!
2016 views. heck.
lol, I you did
so... I guess I started a new meme for this save
I'm amazed that this is still on FP after an entire Day!(let's see how long the it can stay, For the pingasland!)
Also This thing Can Do Something. It Can Get Nuked! Or Bombed! Or Blown Up! Or Hold Down Papers! Or Annoy A Certain Person! Or Spread Communism! Or Capitalism! But Wait! That's Not All! If You Call In The Next 10 minutes, We'll Include Our Brand New, GIANT ROBOT(tm) ABSOLUTELY FREE!!