38 / 6
25th Jun 2017
29th Jun 2018
This is the map of Radnart. This is the main map and front of my game. I hope you like it. You should write comments there.
drrwide drrwidemain game wide play fancy world area empire


  • lsckjy
    23rd Jul 2017
    i research early trade, and i will build 1 research centre.
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    22nd Jul 2017
    poza tym na PM jest wiekszy limit znakow , w TPTMP tez... poniekad
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    22nd Jul 2017
    sorry for double sended comment, connection problems
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    22nd Jul 2017
    Do you need anything else to explain about?
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    22nd Jul 2017
    JK. I thought you want to have updates everyday. I help dRR making them. "secret" in corner of main map is just my sign, mean I worked on it too. Map JK vs lsckjy was made on TPTMP and I placed this sign here myself. I don't cheat, I'm just no-life on Radnart point. I talk in comments, PM to dRR and mostly talk with him on TPTMP that's why there are many projects you didn't knew about, but seriously, if you want to hide something or just don't spam will you write everything on main chat??
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    22nd Jul 2017
    JK. I thought you want to have updates everyday. I help dRR making them. "secret" in corner of main map is just my sign, mean I worked on it too. Map JK vs lsckjy was made on TPTMP and I placed this sign here myself. I don't cheat, I'm just no-life on Radnart point. I talk in comments, PM to dRR and mostly talk with him on TPTMP that's why there are many projects you didn't knew about, but seriously, if you want to hide something or just don't spam will you write everything on main chat??
  • Zombiezilla
    22nd Jul 2017
    I research weapon crafting and defend tacts. I make 5 units of army and build and outpost in the south-west
  • docRoboRobert
    22nd Jul 2017
    Also, Vaana break through Arkandians limits and forced weapon researches but it has lost DP. Also, the new group has formed in Vaana - the "Tribal Reaction". They will do everything to fight with Arkandia and make Vaana fully independent.
  • docRoboRobert
    22nd Jul 2017
    @Fards_Man: Also, to don't be too weak and be fair you will have the second line of technologies researched. You will have Hygiene, Early Tailoring, RITUALS, Administration, Tool Crafting, etc.
  • docRoboRobert
    22nd Jul 2017
    @JanKaszanka: Where is it? Is this symbol in "Other maps"?