This is the map of Radnart. This is the main map and front of my game. I hope you like it. You should write comments there.
Nateur expands outwards reaching water
@TheLongGuy: You've found 1RP and... Golem in cave. He is peacefull but can fight if attacked. You have Mystic Creatures researched, so you will have him on your side if you solove the riddle. Also, group of bandits have landed on west side of island. They're the first pirates.
@Zombiezilla: Defence Tactics are unlocking fortificated border. Your army is too big. You can't manage your big territory and buildings. The crime and disobidience are spreading. Your people are starting to break out. You have to use army and force to controll your lands. People are unhappy and you're getting less resources. Yo should research better techs or reduce army.
@DrBrick: You've succesfully invaded on bandits. They won't attack you for some time. Unfortunetly, your big country has problems. You can't maintain your lands efficiently. You have to use army to control your lands but people are unhappy, so you lose some income. You should change political system or research new techs beacouse you have 9RP.
Big horde of bandits has attacked Atrenda! They pillaged Moeania and the want more. 5u of different types of barbarians killed 1u of Atrenda's army and broke through borders. They had no mercy. They've burned village, stolen food and people and pillaged farmlands. They brutally murdered everyone and destroyed everything on their way. The river turned into blood! Horrible things happend. They haven't attacked main town but other lands are devastated.
@Redcode: You've stopped the "Tribal Reaction" for one turn but they will become more angry beacouse you ingerented in their country ahgain. Bandit camp got destroyed but 2u of people died. You have some resources from them.
Shoo! Don't write more comments! dRR is updating. :O
-_- JK... AYFKM? I'm on other side of the ocean. I need 2 weeks to have advanced sailoring... Why are you so mad at my point?
Guys, Im on Vacations and please dont attack me. i will be back in 4 days. (dont even say anything ODZ)