Valmore has been pillaged by bandits from local camp!
Zillnd has entered the ancient era!
@DrBrick: Your boats have finally arrived to this place! Unfortunetly, big storm has striked at your coast causing pretty high destruction.
The fallen meteorite has been seaarched! Vaana and Arkandia have found: Meteorite ore, Iridium ore (not able to be used yet), Stalcite (mixed meteorite minerals), stardust, blue things that Foeria would like to see, Shiny Fragments and some melted rocks around the meteorite.
@Redcode: They've accepted your prupose. You've succesfuly tamed winter wolfs. Also, you've investigated the meteorite.
Fisherman's Village has researched Sailoring +.
Alphabeavers plague! Hordes of hungry alphabeavers have striked on Treich Tribe and H. Nexus! They've eaten tones of wood, resources and even buildings! H. Nexus lost 100 RII and Treich Tribe lost 50 RII.
lsckjy: + Gold/Silver Working and Forestry. You should add those researches to your "View" page or do something like ODZ.
lsckjy: You have Sewing, Healing plants, Tribal Structures, Gathering +, Resources colleting, Items Crafting, Hunting +, Early Tailoring, Natural Drugs, Naturopathy, Early Trading, RITUALS, Administration, Tool Crafting, Agriculture, Initial mining, Stonecutting, Fanatism & Cultism, Hygiene, Village Structures, Culture Creating, Weapon Crafting, Ranged Weapon Crafting, Copper/Tin working, Animal Husbandry, Pottery, Fishing, Magic powers cultism, Initial Currency, Basic Organization, Diplomacy,