This is the map of Radnart. This is the main map and front of my game. I hope you like it. You should write comments there.
Dont apologize, just try to remember important stats or if you can't then just go to save with them and check out.
Oh, sorry. I totally forgot about that warriors. I'll fix all mistakes.
-_- i have an "army" I guess you don't placed it in front of main base of bandits. I asked just for 1 camp. aren't those 5U of tribal warriors warriors? also. if yesterday I had 2 RP. Spent them and I have 2 RP daily income. shouldn't i have next 2RP today?
I want to go on with monarchy, So no rituals
I research agriculture.
@ODZ: How would you kill them if you don't have an army?
ODZ: You had 2 RP and you said that you want RITUALS, so I've updated thae game and the amount of RP haven't changed.
a z tymi bandytami to zabijam. ich obozu w miare mozliwosci nie niszcze. Cial nie wyrzucaj. moze cos z nich wykorzystam.
Erghm. naprawd. mialem wczoraj 2 RP. bez dyskusji. W radnarcie jeszcze chyba nikt nie bral "kredytu" na RP i powinienem dzis miec te RP
You can unlock political systems connected to tribe if you research RITUALS.