Now you can say to prisoners: "Mitochondria is powerhouse of your cell"
Do you know that Linerean Therian Republic, in year 241 Built giant Sun power plant called "Mitochondria" To give power to Worldwide prisons?
You can create any party, from Despotic, trough Oligarchy to Democracy. And with any type of goverment, Liberalist, Consercatist, Facist, Communist, Capitalist or anything you care, Parties can ally, and they will create final goverment form of Ziland
Its year 258 After Portal, New Ziland goverment get huge taxes and spend everything on civil war with rebeliant countries. Some groups of politicans and other people got ready for real rebellion. This "nationwide" will work like you all are rebels whose try to fix the country.
soooo, youre doing a nationwide inside a nationwide? *Redcode Exploded
@ODZ i seriously think that island is the island where zilland started on Linerea, and it had civil wars and stuff.
I made also map of Linerea 261 AP, Layered version. id:2199500
I made dis: id:2198937. I propably will make a pseudo-nationwide here. Anyone into?