38 / 6
25th Jun 2017
29th Jun 2018
This is the map of Radnart. This is the main map and front of my game. I hope you like it. You should write comments there.
drrwide drrwidemain game wide play fancy world area empire


  • docRoboRobert
    6th Jul 2017
    @Redcode: That's interesting but I have something to say... The parasites are only living in warm regions of East part of the world, so only 7 countries can have River Fever...
  • Redcode
    6th Jul 2017
    and last take down the river camp to try to control easier my country until i research administration
  • Redcode
    6th Jul 2017
    in other part i make a small group of miners venture further into the volcano veins to extract resources
  • Redcode
    6th Jul 2017
    also start to research how it will affect local wildlife
  • Redcode
    6th Jul 2017
    i start to set an alert state because of the parasites, so i make people boil water before using it, stay away of the river and dont consume nothing it has come contact with the water of it, and if someone gets sick i start to study it to efficently get rid of the parasites, also try healroots to combat them.
  • docRoboRobert
    6th Jul 2017
    @JanKaszanka: Alphabeavers can be tamed but you need Animal Husbandry +. Also, there are even better creatures like Omegabeavers... wiat, you shouldn't know this... :/
  • kacpergeez
    6th Jul 2017
    drr: odkrywam sailoring, plyne na polnocny wschod i buduje tam campa, niech 1u armed tribesmanow tez plynie jako straz w tym campie, po przyplynieciu niech od razu 1/4 ludzi szuka cywilizacji, 1/4 nowych roslin a 1/2 niech zostanie w campie
  • kacpergeez
    6th Jul 2017
    JK ja mam animal husbandry i dzieli mnie 1 research od statkow, wez z 50 dla mnie zlap
  • JanKaszanka
    6th Jul 2017
    oh, i need hunting + :/
  • JanKaszanka
    6th Jul 2017
    If they cant be tamed, I will tell my workers to grab few of them and throw them into the river.