For now, the only cure for River Fever is simple natural medicine but it's not very efficient and give you only 75% chance to survive. Wild herbs slow the illness and and you have 25% chance to get healed. Sev gives you +5% chance to get healed and improves your vital energy during illness.
@ODZ: I'll be at 17:30 :/
a i lape 50 bobrow i przewoze do stolicy i trzymam w specialniie odgrodzonym stawie, lape tez 2 pojemniki pasozytow rzecznych, kazdy po 50 sztuk, 1 usmiercic poprzez zagotowanie i dostarczyc do stolicy do badan, 2 do hodowli w 500l drewnianym pojemniku, tak na przyszlosc
Ilaoser? maybe some business?
I research administration then Coastal development
wysylam Janusza Tracza I do JK
I invite Leader of Kacpergeezland to our camp
i research magic to improve country status. im not going to be agressive now. maybe after month or two... but for now... i just want to grow.