MAP UPDATE: V. 0.5.2 - Added two new creatures! (thanks ODZ)
OH. nice lore ODZ, keepin this info so if we ever buildup a lore page or book we can use it.
Its the difference
mh? really? in wich facts are they different?
I research magick power cultism ; leather armor; art ; forestry ; mystic creatures
Those arent golems, those are Tozuls, it is a difference
and for last officers would have a crystal grenade, and will be used in case of mortal danger (coff coff golem coff)
and the "elite" army would cost 2 points more than normal.
nice. for next update those are my orders: spend moneys on workers salary, send my best blacksmiths to craft the bronze into armors, and train y soldiers for 3 turns, that will render them unuseable, but when training finishes they would yield an elite army, this training costs trice the food/money comsuption as it lasts, we know our enemy tactics,so find a way to counter it, all soldiers would have basic ranged/melee/armor training.