38 / 6
25th Jun 2017
29th Jun 2018
This is the map of Radnart. This is the main map and front of my game. I hope you like it. You should write comments there.
drrwide drrwidemain game wide play fancy world area empire


  • docRoboRobert
    10th Jul 2017
    @Zombiezilla: You need Costal Development and Saiolring to build basic port.
  • docRoboRobert
    10th Jul 2017
    @Redcode: I know. I've already update it, so your people are trying to use volcano as smelting machine. Unfortunetly, volcano turned out to be more dangerous than they expected, so 10 people died...
  • docRoboRobert
    10th Jul 2017
    @ODZ: Exacly.
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    10th Jul 2017
    you have to finish ALL researches from here, dRR forgot to place some arrows like nearby art, but after finishing tree, you delete all your researches from done age and add just 1 research " [age] revolution "
  • Redcode
    10th Jul 2017
    a quick question: if you pass civilization what happens with the tech tree? it locks, it instantly finish or you can just continue it?
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    10th Jul 2017
    also, even if it was hidden, dRR won't agree... just no.those camps are too OP.You have to slowly upgrade it.
  • OmegaDeltaZero
    10th Jul 2017
    JK. sorry if i hided your comment but it was really an accident. As i say. For now i want to grow along my island, you are in other place, fu6k off, i dont want to meet Triech. You in replacement of making good government shout that im betraying you... when we hadnt met each other yet...
  • Zombiezilla
    9th Jul 2017
    I research early trade and move my people away from the volcano and build a port next to my capital
  • Redcode
    9th Jul 2017
    forgot one thing: i use the heat of the volcano to smelt metals easier, speeding up the whole process of production.
  • Redcode
    9th Jul 2017
    the first idea is like all players are citizens and do by their own buildings/research/adventures to make the city progress?