This is the map of Radnart. This is the main map and front of my game. I hope you like it. You should write comments there.
I research Diplomacy and make 10 units of army.
Me too Redcode
i dont like dis :<
Ok... Fine... You can choose 12 techs that you want to have...
Treich Tribe invasion was stopped on H. Nexus's border due to Nexus's defenders.
Umm... I don't like this guy, but he was destroyed early in 1st season and surely we didn't had to research 1st line first...
What do you mean by "basic knowledge"? look. this one common user below was able to chose researches he wanted. he had no 7 researches selected at start. he didn't had to research 1st line at first. I scrolled comments and I see that he after 2 researches from first line chose one from second one. it's unfair to tell me what's "basic" it's my country and I decide what is basic.
@JuggernautPL: Ok, you can choose those 5 researchers for free. First line is guaranted and can't be changed beacouse it's basic knowledge of your civilization.
I research Village structures and Initial currency
cuz saying what i have to research is kinda unfail