19 / 1
4th May 2017
25th Jun 2017
2nd season is comming soon! After 1st season (which was awesome), I decided to make 2nd season, but with huge changes and improvements. I present you list of changes, new content, 2nd season progress and I will answer your questions. Give me your ideas!
chesee chesse cheese


  • docRoboRobert
    13th May 2017
    @Redcode: Let's just have one unique building for each race, beacouse I don't want to have to much work
  • Zombiezilla
    13th May 2017
    I have a suggestion. Possibly your capital or some towns can have a focus. For example your capital could be a Mining town and earn more of some type of resources and a little less food. You could have a farming town also that produces more food
  • lsckjy
    13th May 2017
    @DRR:docroborobert. we have a not good event for hyperion. the event from redcode have sent all of hyperion back to future. they will suffer and die in future. i need to find how to make them back into past or they will die!
  • lsckjy
    13th May 2017
    @redcode:that's an good idea. and if build our unique building for spaceial purpose.they can increse strength or defence either. or helping research some techs.
  • Redcode
    12th May 2017
    mhhh interesting :v short idea: every race can have an unique building (most be thinked in case to be user created) and a unique refinery, making trades with other races more interesting
  • docRoboRobert
    12th May 2017
    @TheLongGuy: Yes, they always can.
  • TheLongGuy
    12th May 2017
    Players should be able to decide what time attack
  • docRoboRobert
    11th May 2017
    @afgator123: Actually, day/night cycle is too short period of time. In every turn we will have few or many days. Also, day/night cycle might be important in battle sceneries.
  • docRoboRobert
    11th May 2017
    @Redcode: Yes, we're starting in this ages. The paradox is that we will be in the oldest ages for less time than in more advanced ages. :v
  • afgator123
    11th May 2017
    @docRoboRobert Suggestion: Day/Night cycle. Special buff for some nation during day, and other buff for other nation during night. (Or event that only happend during day/night)