19 / 1
4th May 2017
25th Jun 2017
2nd season is comming soon! After 1st season (which was awesome), I decided to make 2nd season, but with huge changes and improvements. I present you list of changes, new content, 2nd season progress and I will answer your questions. Give me your ideas!
chesee chesse cheese


  • lsckjy
    27th May 2017
    and one more example. if you attach Tier-III Ultimate skill augmentor has attached into hero's armor or weapon,they will be able to use their spaceial skill,even Ultimate skill.
  • lsckjy
    27th May 2017
    call* i mistyped for some reason.
  • lsckjy
    27th May 2017
    if redcode have idea of magic like runes,i can have idea of science. i cal it augmentor. it can be attached to weapons and gain the strength,but it cost other stats. and it ONLY can be crafted,it takes a time to build augmentor,but once it's finished,you can attach it immediately.(for example,if you attach Tier-I attack speed augmentor to will cost some damage but it's attack will be faster. or if you attach Tier-II smash augmentor into whip,it will cost speed but it occurs area damage.
  • docRoboRobert
    26th May 2017
    @lsckjy: Runes won't be OP. There's balance between magic and sciecne.
  • lsckjy
    26th May 2017
    oh come on... i agree idea about heroes. but rune is.... it can be too OP.
  • docRoboRobert
    26th May 2017
    @Redcode: That's very good.
  • docRoboRobert
    26th May 2017
    @TheLongGuy: 1. Max amount of heroes is 3 to eliminate OP units farming. 2. Yes, your army isn't fearless, so it can get stressed or tried. This can be like an events. You can build special building to keep good morale.
  • Redcode
    25th May 2017
    also finished hollow knight... the infection reminded me a lot of the shroomonia, but more orange :,v
  • Redcode
    25th May 2017
    and for that adds taverns and stuff to stress relief *darkest dungeon war flashbacks* "unto your maker"... Rip Rome the bounty hunter, he was bae ;-;
  • TheLongGuy
    24th May 2017
    Stress,or something like: Soldiers cannot be constantly fighting in wars,they get tired if the soldiers are very much tired fighting they have less possibilites in war.