5th Mar 2017
5th Mar 2017
I've just had this idea, which I slapped together. Based on a "NOT" Logic Gate which fires a tiny DRAY bomb if a WIFI receiver stops sparking it. Use for discouraging theft (still does not prevent it, only makes it a bit harder).
TheNik Date: 06 March
I don't really know what's the point of copyright here, nobody's getting any money or even brownie points for what's being done, and knowledge should be free and all that jazz, but it's a good answer to a problem, I'm not going to deny that.
Not bad, but you can still track down the source of the bomb if you pause immediately after you erase the logo. A good way to prevent this is to make the bomb an essential part of the functionality of whatever system you're building which I don't really know if it's really possible given how fickle some reactions are in this "game".
+1 Very good stragety against users proclaiming that they have'nt stole other saves from very popular users.
ehh helps protect against noobs
its good, but you should change the wifi channels.
ATernative??? it's you??? it's you first commented my save... it was 1-4 rd
kubulll, I have nothing against you disliking my save, but if you do specify a reason to that, please make sure it is valid. I explicitly stated that this is not a good protection, rather a device to discourage theft.
ATernative, sorry, I don't think I understood how to trigger your mechanism. I am on mobile, though.
easy to broke -1