I Am Not A Hater , I Am A Gravity Hater. I Hate Gravity , Not This AweSome Dude That Is Bender_ , He Does AweSome Saves , Like EveryOne That Uses Gravity , But I Really Hate Gravity! It Makes Things Different , It Mess Up Saves That Uses Gravity Things As Deco Or SomeThing And Break Them!
I Turn Off Gravity By Default.
Indeed, an "experimental setup" with setting the PHOTs life to 999999, the screen to loop mode and triggers on the line above and below the PHOT which would activate a switch if hit by a PHOT particle haven't shown any results.
Pretty amazing but admins are gunna bust you for mentioning upvoteing :/
thanks for the like danieldan, and I approve your profile pic, gravity falls is the best series in the world
TheNik-> no it does not, yeah that's weird. at beginning I put two GPMP pixels on and under the PHOT's way but the photon was given verticle velocity (downwards) after some investigation I deleted that upper gpmp pixel and it worked correctly. weird as f***, tpt.
Nean-> thanks! yes people did already thought of something like this and made better things but I'm a beginner in the particle acceleration domain.
KingVampyre: Gravity is turned on by default. *facepalm* YASH(Yet Another Stupid Hater)
I could imagine the PHOT is getting some vertical velocity due to the GPMP being off from its path of movement by one pixel. I will investigate further and let you know what I find.