123 / 7
23rd Dec 2016
24th Dec 2016
I suck at math, but according to my maths, it has a chance of 1/2 199 023 255 552, or 1/2^41 of sparking the final output. Includes pretty histogram and histogram generator. All credit for the gaussian distributor goes to samm9. Histogram plotter by me.
math icantbelieveinit gauss spark power electricity electronic electric ididntunderstood gaussian


  • DubMonster
    26th Dec 2016
    you cant say you suck at math, i suck on it
  • R33sesK1ng
    26th Dec 2016
    little much; don't'ya think?
  • FrenkeeS
    26th Dec 2016
    what about this, just dont know how to interprate what i see there
  • FrenkeeS
    25th Dec 2016
    Mur: my apologize - you have 48 different outputs so so the array will look like -24 to 24 i made some google doc sheet - you can commend it right there if you tell me your nick a give you permisions to play around with formulas
  • AWSM007
    25th Dec 2016
    Your the type of person that makes the modern world turn +1 for science!
  • Mur
    25th Dec 2016
    @FrenkeeS: I understand nearly nothing about Excel, but I think the range isn't -48...48, what you should count is the number of levels in the gaussian distributor, which is 24, 0..23
  • FrenkeeS
    24th Dec 2016
    i mean in A1:-48,A2:-47... and in A97:48
  • FrenkeeS
    24th Dec 2016
    in excel you can compute NORMDIST for every single number and make a plot and - voiola you get gausian curve.
  • FrenkeeS
    24th Dec 2016
    i think its not simple math as you compute it. As you said its gausian distribution and this have own formulas. In excel you can compute this very siply - in A1: 48 in B1: =NORMDIST(A1;0;2;0) , you get 1.67135722089723E-126, that is incredibly small number.
  • Weretyu777
    24th Dec 2016
    And if this save demonstrated the perfect theoretical model, the graph below the triangle would be a bell curve. Let's hear it for mathematical mastery!