123 / 7
23rd Dec 2016
24th Dec 2016
I suck at math, but according to my maths, it has a chance of 1/2 199 023 255 552, or 1/2^41 of sparking the final output. Includes pretty histogram and histogram generator. All credit for the gaussian distributor goes to samm9. Histogram plotter by me.
math icantbelieveinit gauss spark power electricity electronic electric ididntunderstood gaussian


  • Self_Destruct
    29th Dec 2016
    @blackantimatter Ermm, no. The spark has a far, far larger chance of going to the center because when it goes to the edges, chances are, it will double back and go closer to the center.
  • romulusnr
    29th Dec 2016
    look it up:
  • eli573
    29th Dec 2016
    Oh also, I left this on the powder toy running a while and I actually got one on the very right and two ond the very left. This is after leaving it running for a few days. All of the columns in the center were filled to the top.
  • LBPHacker
    28th Dec 2016
    @blackantimatter: Mathematically or otherwise, nope. Scroll back and see the Maths war this question resulted in.
  • blackantimatter
    28th Dec 2016
    mathematically, every output should have the same chance...yet somehow it has a strong center-bias.
  • hansungje
    28th Dec 2016
    No. It's hopeful. Let's assume that there is 10000 user in TPT. Than if we do this for 0.667 years it may bve possible. I played tpt for 1.5 years so its possible.
  • General_Kenobi
    28th Dec 2016
    May the force be with you. +1
  • TheNik
    27th Dec 2016
    aerial11: And put it into a box for Schrdingers Bomb! :P
  • aerial11
    27th Dec 2016
    very well, now connect it to a bomb
  • Anonym8
    27th Dec 2016
    It does around 240 per minute (give or take). In an hour, 14,400. In a day, 365,600. In a year, 126,144,000. In a century, 12,614,400,000. In a millenium, 126,144,000,000. Times 1.5 is 10 billion off, so basically at 60fps it'd take 1500 years.