Some of the most explosive substances from Terratrion(Terration? Terratron? i forgot u-u) and Apodra, and a few explosive gases from the gas giants. /!\ WARNING: DO NOT STAND IN A CLOSE RADIUS OF THESE CHEMICALS /!\
also im gonna check that discussion out ;3
Secret, you are now officialy the findcompondist of this accout
NewRoblox: See here: You need to ctrl+arrow keys to shift the pasted item within that small paste box to position it right.
Sorry typo: Suspected element composition of Tinateranol: BCLN ctype PLSM, and BOYL. This is confirmed with air simuation turned off and the explosion is compeltely negated. Connecting with the previous findings, it is suggest that an atmosphere of inert elements prevent BCLN from spawning PLSM as there is no space available, therefore the compound expands slightly without any explosion as the inert atmosphere confine the BOYL into the square shape space of the compound.
These findings suggest Tinateranol can be safely transported provided it is either time frozen or placed in a container filled with WARP. We are now awaiting for possible application of this substance from the Terra 423B investigation team.
Meanwhile, xeridide and crystalised enarge are highly sensitive to room temperature WARP. Precooled WARP is needed in order to avoid triggering explosion. It appears that both xeridide and crystalised enarge are purely ICE with different type of ctype being set, as no other components were found from the displacement process of WARP
Findings: Tinateranol can be stablised when completely immersed in a WARP atmosphere, revealing its composition of BCLN of low life with ctype PLASM and BOYL. Upon exposure to emptiness, Tinateranol explodes as usual. In addition, an atmosphere of water vapor or CO2 proved to be very efficient at defusing Tinateranol by dissipating the BCLN component into nothingness, leaving behind the BOYL component.
any way for the method to make a cube?
When I tried making the 3 by 3 square, it left a small space between the rods. And yes, they were still thin rods