73 / 12
17th Nov 2016
17th Nov 2016
It is the year 2798, an extensive 200 year long building process has been completed for the Nebula Dyson Sphere. It can hold a total of 20 Billion people and is completely self sufficient.
dyson building ship sphere destructable destroyable metropolis space city detail


    19th Nov 2016
    What about a thin one?
  • TheNik
    18th Nov 2016
    The central star definitely should be in the centre and it is its gravity providing integrity for the sphere. Note however that a /sphere/ is the least likely variant to be built. See other variants in mentioned Wikipedia article.
  • TheNik
    18th Nov 2016
    The dyson sphere needs to rotate in order to generate a constant acceleration of 1 g. Current studies however suggest, that there is not enough material in the entire solar system for a dyson sphere to be built (Source: See Wikipedia link below).
  • bigexplosion
    18th Nov 2016
    @Swiftwolf456, if you want the gravity of the planet Earth in the vacum of space, you simply either eccelerate at 9.8m/s/s, or have a rotaion plane of about the same (correct me if I'm wrong) speed, but you must be on the inside wall of the object you're spinning
  • Lansea
    18th Nov 2016
    I love the concept
  • DeusPayne
    18th Nov 2016
    btw it looks the way it does because it is scaled down
  • QuanTech
    18th Nov 2016
    can't w8 until we become a Type II civilization :)
  • ProteusKaiju
    17th Nov 2016
    A dyson sphere is actually sphere that surrounds a star that harvests its energy, even though I love the take you took on this
  • Swiftwolf456
    17th Nov 2016
    spheres like this don't actually need a star or source of gravity in the centre, they just need to spin, I forgot how fast, and I forgot the specifics. And they aren't really spheres, more like discs.
  • Self_Destruct
    17th Nov 2016
    My question is, how would everything not fall up? Would the mass and distance (aka the gravity) of that part have to exceed that of the sun?