A model of a cell that i made. i made this because we are learning about cells in my science class. if there are things that are missing, im not a cellular expert yet...
Oops pulled the trigger too fast..... Description.
Is this for a science project too? :)
I'm no artist so you should make a drawing of the fluid mosaic model of a membrane
@dayday here. Maybe this will help put you at ease perhaps? 2065574 And nice save SciendKid, :3 +3/2
Oh dayday24, To quote TheScienceKid's descrtiption of this very save, "If there are things that are missing, im not a cellular expert yet..."
And this should be accompanied by the electron chain. Or at least some form of cross section of the Membrane. And the Mitochondria is more advanced than that depiction, it's essentially just a folded up piece of membrane (Just the components needed for ATP production) as before Mitochondrion organisms could only respirate on the membrane, which was very limiting.
How dare you forget about the centriol!
mitochondria; it's the powerhouse of the cell!
Hard mode: make functional Na+/K+ symporters. Extreme Ludicrous mode: build a functional ATP synthase with all subunits present
You could add the cytoskeleton, Seperate the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum and show the lipid bilayer.