Maybve you came up with the idea yourself or maybe you didn't but htis was idea before you did it.
It does work with EXOT, and fyi you just put a bunch of EXOT particles with different timing, then change them all to PIPE/PPIP
Oh, i think i made a mistake, please, ingnore my previous comment, i made something with the Exotic Matter and the Type 99 thing, but i don't know exactly how i made it
Add Exotic Matter instead of Protons, Exotic Matter wont disappear, so wait some time, then do the Type 99 thing
explode it half way then do the console thing with vibranium too
NewTrain64:are you sure that walls can contain everything? because my whole screen exploded
Now I remember the element in pipe is decided by its tmp and same for vibraniums countdown
sheepgames: That's not possible. Its contained inside a WALL.